Good Friday morning (03/20/2020). Gardener's Supply is still open for business. With all the restrictions, Gardener's Supply is still permitted to continue operations as we are under several categories of what the Federal Government defines as "Essential Services." Feel free to call or to write us with any questions. If you need material, you can place a phone order, and then we can deliver out to you your material when you arrive. You are welcome to come in, of course, where there will still be a few of us to help you.
Gardener's Supply has the privilege of serving Kern County. Because of this we are able to custom blend fertilizers for our soil conditions, unlike box stores that sell the same generic fertilizer all across the country. When you see a bag of fertilizer there will always be three numbers on the label. These numbers tells you the balance of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium contained in the fertilizer. The most common sources of nitrogen are urea and ammonium sulfate. These are "fast release" nitrogen sources because they are broken down readily by soil bacteria when the soils are warm.
Winter - Water as needed depending on rainfall. If there is no rain, turn on sprinklers. Check soil moisture with a long screwdriver - it should easily go into the ground seven inches. Spring - one inch of water per week is needed. As temperatures increase in late spring the amount of water should be increased to one and one-half inches per week. How much water are my sprinklers applying? There is no general rule of thumb to go by - each sprinkler system puts out a different amount of water. The only way to know how much your system puts out is to measure the inch output from your sprinklers.
We will be closed tomorrow (Saturday, July 4th) in observance of Independence Day. Regular hours will resume on Tuesday.
Now is the time for the third application for 20-5-10 + Pre-M. The fertilizer will green up the lawn and maintain the green for 10 weeks. The Pre-M will prevent crabgrass for the rest of the summer. Apply Gallery to prevent spurge and other broadleaf weeds.
It is time for your tax time application of 20-5-10 Pre-M for crabgrass control and Gallery for spurge control. We are happy to take phone orders and deliver the products to your car when you arrive. Call us at (661)326-1591.
Good Friday morning (03/20/2020). Gardener's Supply is still open for business. With all the restrictions, Gardener's Supply is still permitted to continue operations as we are under several categories of what the Federal Government defines as "Essential Services." Feel free to call or to write us with any questions. If you need material, you can place a phone order, and then we can deliver out to you your material when you arrive. You are welcome to come in, of course, where there will...
Now is the time to apply 7-20-20+4% fertilizer on your lawn! You can also apply this fertilizer on shrubs and flowering plants.
Watch my awesome new video. Thanks @SmartShoot -> #video #nofilter
If you want the best crabgrass control put down your prevention this week-Feb 5th!
Next week starts the beginning of the per-m season! Don't forget to put down your 20-5-10 pre-m with fertilizer between Jan 21st & Feb 5th!
Don't forget to start thinking about winter lawn care! Now is the time for weed prevention and fertilization!