If you're looking to keep your home's lawn healthy and neat throughout the year, Tops Lawn Care has the solution for you. Our 6-step fertilizer program will ensure that your lawn gets the nourishment and care it needs.
Perimeter pest control is a process by which our trained technicians spray an insecticide along the base of your home creating a 10 foot wide barrier to prevent bugs from getting in. Any non-flying insect that encounters the barrier will die. Bugs like ants, spiders, beetles, and grubs won't stand a chance.
I hope you are staying warm. Be careful about putting salt along the edges of your driveway as it can cause damage to your grass in the spring.
It looks chilly this weekend. Stay warm and safe! My two dogs hate the cold snow. How do your pets do when it’s snowy out?
Next week looks great for melting the snow! Call us to set up a free estimate on our 6-step fertilizer program. Spring is right around the corner!
Happy New Year to all of our wonderful customers! We look forward to serving you this year. Remember to be on the look out for your renewal letter later this month.
Follow this link for a great deal on Spring aeration:http:// www.dailydealoma ha.com/engine/ SplashDetails.as px?contestid=29 932&productid=8 713105