The benefits of an irrigation system stretch further than simply making your lawn look beautiful. Grass plants are made up of approximately 75% water. You must keep your lawn hydrated, and for that there is nothing more efficient than an underground sprinkler system. A system automatically places the water where it needs to be, for the correct amount of time to capture a healthy and lush lawn. Custom Installation: We will design, layout and install your custom lawn sprinkler system and/or planting beds.

Maintain your lawn's health and beauty with our proven year-round program. Experienced technicians automatically apply the highest quality granular fertilizers to your lawn each season. Traditional or organic programs are also available. Keep your lawn and landscaping looking lush and green all summer with an irrigation system designed especially for your yard. We offer both sprinkler and drip irrigation options. Repair services and winterization also available. Whether you call it coring, splicing or spiking, core aeration is one of the best non-chemical treatments for a healthy, beautiful lawn.

The Core Aeration process removes plugs of soil from turf, relieving your yard of compaction and reducing thatch-it gives the grass plants' roots room to grow and thrive. Most importantly, it allows oxygen, water, and surface nutrients to penetrate the root system of your lawn, maintaining its health and appearance. Here's how it works: a machine called a core aerator punctures small holes in your lawn and removes plugs of sod. Soon, you'll begin to see small, white roots growing in the holes left behind-a sign that your lawn is responding properly to the additional water and nutrients that are getting through.

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Posted on Jan 28, 2015  •  Twitter

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