Stop stressing the loss of time and fatigue that comes with mowing your lawn! Call T&N Lawn Care for a free estimate. We offer quality work and friendly service. We understand your time is precious and believe you shouldn't have to waste it mowing your lawn. We are G.I. B.M.P. certified as well as licensed and insured. We accommodate both residential and commercial properties. So don't hesitate, give us a call. The GI-BMPs are a science-based educational program for Green Industry workers (lawn-care and landscape maintenance professionals), brought to you by UF-IFAS Florida-Friendly Landscaping program.
Proper lawn management increases weed control success! Proper lawn cutting heights are important when it comes to weed prevention. Lawn scalping refers to cutting your lawn grass to low, so low that you expose the stems of your grass blades. I advise against scalping your lawn due to its damaging effects on the health of your lawn. One problem is that grass blades photosynthesize to provide food to the roots. By chopping off the majority of this blade, you reduce the amount of energy the roots receive, and this makes for a weak lawn that is more susceptible to stress, insects and disease.
Pinellas Pool Pro's LLC is not your typical pool service company. The reason we stand out from all the rest is simple. Not only do we provide professional pool care and maintenance but we also provide our customers with the very best customer service. Every customer is important to us, hands down! Each and every customer gets a custom service that is tailored to your needs and your pool. We want you to feel 100% confident that you made the right choice in choosing us to manage your family's place of fun and tranquility.
Your home is your castle - We've all seen the occasional property that lets its lawn maintenance go to the point where tall weeds and overgrown bushes seem to be the only features on the lot. It makes the property very unattractive, unsightly, and also a potential fire hazard during the dry summer months. To reduce this risk, lawns should be kept mowed and all yard waste such as dry grass, cut tree limbs and brush should be properly disposed. A well-maintained yard is also an effective crime prevention tool.