Since fescue is a cool season turf, the summers take a toll on the health of the lawn. It is best to aerate and over seed your lawn from September-October. We will core aerate to relieve compaction and provide holes for the new seed to grow. Since fescue does not spread like other grasses, you must over seed to improve the thickness and recover from the hot summer. Creating a thicker lawn will also help choke out weeds. We will also apply a starter fertilizer to get your lawn off to a great start at this time.
Grassmasters provides residential and commercial weed control programs. Our 2 program options are ever changing and evolving to adjust to current weather and lawn conditions. You can always count on our knowledgeable and friendly staff to take care of your property needs. Our goal is to be good stewards to the environment and leave it better than we found it. Customized fertility is something we take pride in providing to our customers. We are continuously collecting soil samples and data to ensure your lawn is getting the nutrients it needs.
The learning never stops. @tcnc_
As We are out servicing properties We have tried to start a list of cool Christmas lights in Wilson.
It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas .... or just a little southern “snow”
No recount or run off need. This fescue lawn is a run away winner for lawn of the month.