From sprucing up your existing landscape, to completely redoing it, installing screenings, walks, and patios, building retaining walls, or fixing drainage problems, install water features or improving your lawn, we have a designer and excellent landscaping services for you. Deming Lawn and Landscape provides superior service with a friendly attitude, a conscientious work ethic, and a desire to make your lawn the best on the block, all while explaining what we are doing and why we are doing it. I just wanted to take the time to thank you and your team for the quality work that is being completed on treating my lawn.
Since our name is on our company, we take your happiness with our work very seriously! Many companies talk a good game, but after 25+ years, Deming Lawn and Landscape, provides superior service season after season! We make sure we "do it right the first time", and concentrate on customer service to ensure your repeat business. We have many references, all over Northern Virginia of satisfied customers with beautiful Lawns and Landscaping, who have been with us for years. Many of our customers have been with us for over 15 years because we strive to build our reputation on quality service and dependability.
Deming Lawn and Landscape specializes in lawn irrigation maintenance, repairs and upgrades. We no longer install full lawn systems. We offer maintenance programs that include the spring turn on, spring adjustments, system repairs throughout the year and the final blow out and close down to prepare for the winter freeze. Our technicians are able to upgrade your current system for better water efficiency and conservation which will in turn save you money on your water bill throughout the watering season.
Designing your landscape is the most essential step in creating a beautiful yard. Planning and designing allows you to address beauty and functionality while including your own creative flair in an efficient and progressive manner. Deming Lawn and Landscape will start with a FREE "Planting and Landscape Design Consultation" and end with a maintenance program to care for your newly landscaped yard. We will walk with you through your property and through the entire landscape process to ensure your satisfaction.
If you plan on enjoying your property this summer. Let our trained, experienced and professional crews come and take care of your property. With professional equipment and personnel, we can maintain your property better than you can, when you add up equipment costs, maintenance, repair, storage, and your very own time, using our service is a great deal! Spend your valuable time doing more important things, like family time, or relaxation, not pushing a mower or weeding and mulching beds. Not only will you save a lot of valuable time, but your property will look great too!
To our valued customers please take a moment and vote for us :) thank you
A current work in progress, walkway and patio paver installation.
Replaced old retaining walls new Aspen segmented block wall with cap (grey/tan mix). Installed new mulch and plants.