Grubs are the larvae form of various hard-shelled beetles that feed on turf grass roots. The beetles lay their eggs in the lawn during the summer months. When the eggs hatch, they work their way into the soil and vigorously feed on the roots of grass plants through the late summer and fall. If left unchecked, they can cause severe damage resulting in costly lawn repairs. Our Preventative Grub Control treatment is applied at the same time as your regular summer treatment. It prevents damage from grubs with one application for one year - guaranteed.
For most of our customers, we provide a five-step program that combines three granular slow release and two liquid treatments of premium turf fertilizer, with control products included for surface-feeding insects, broadleaf weeds and the prevention of crabgrass and summer annual weeds. We begin in the early spring, thereafter your treatments are applied approximately five to seven weeks apart with your last treatment coming late September or October.
For most our Tree and Shrub Care customers, we provide a four or five step program that combines Fertilization, Dormant oil sprays with Insect and Disease controls. The application techniques vary based on the time of year, size and scope of the species of plant or tree and the targeted pest. They may include Deep Root injections, ArboJet trunk injections or foliar sprays. We begin in the spring and thereafter scheduled treatments are applied when periodic outbreaks of insects or diseases are expected to occur.