Greener Solutions in Rowley, is a privately owned lawn, tree & shrub care service provider. Servicing the North Shore and the NH seacoast, its owner, landscape professional and entrepreneur Joe Szczechowicz, realized his passion for landscaping early in life and founded Szczechowicz Landscape Services (now SLS Landscape Design & Development) in 1975 to bring his dream to reality; A company based on the core values of excellence and respect for one another and the environment we all share. Joe established Greener Solutions in the mid 1990's recognizing the need for sustainable lawn, tree & shrub health care.
Based on soil results, Greener Solutions can recommend specific nutrient inputs at the proper rate to address any deficiencies that may not be addressed within the program. Greener Solutions selected the best products to amend and improve microbial activity in the soil by incorporating Nitrogen, Phosphorous, Potassium derived strictly from organic sources, as well as micronutrients, amino acids, humate, and humic acid. Your best lawn starts with a soil test! Our new Eco-Green IPM Turf & Soil Management Program offers sustained duration fertilizer treatments as well as integrated pest management (IPM) and turf and soil scouting.
Tree and Shrub Health Care is the process of preventative treatments for your trees, shrubs and plants to ensure their strength and vitality. Pests, nutritional deficiencies and physical agents are factors of failing health of your plants, Greener Solutions focuses on prohibiting these pests before symptoms can occur. A late fall application of potassium will greatly benefit any new seed work that was performed in the late summer and early fall by hardening the roots prior to winter dormancy, stimulate new root and shoot development for the next year, building resistance within the grass against drought, disease and dormancy as well as improving Nitrogen efficiencies for spring green up.
Greener Solutions customized this approach of incorporating organic material, fertilizer and pest control to achieve maximum results for your lawn. With routine turf diagnostic assessments throughout the season, your lawn care technician will evaluate your lawns needs, recommend solutions and use appropriate cultural and product controls when needed. When soil is acidic (low pH), fertilizer gets "locked up" and grass plants have trouble absorbing nutrients. This can lead to a lawn that is thin and off-color, with too many weeds and undesirable grasses.
We offer 3 lawn care programs: Organic, Hybrid and Traditional. Read about the difference here https:// greener-solution to make the best decision for your property.
The weather outside is making us think of Spring! Time to get on our schedule for lawn care, plant health care, caterpillar control, tick & mosquito control and more! Give us a call! 978-948-7701