Elwoods tree service will help you in your time of need. When storms happen, trees around your home can fall and limbs can break and damage your property. Call on us and we will help remove trees and clear debris.
Trees provide significant benefits to our homes and cities, but when trees fall and injure people or damage property, they are liabilities. Recognizing and reducing tree hazards increases the safety of your property and that of your neighbors. Some hazardous trees are best removed. If possible, plant a new tree in an appropriate place as a replacement. Elwood's offers tree value damage assessment, risk assessment, hazardous tree removal, stump grinding, tree roof problem consulting, emergency service and view clearing.
Nothing looks good when it's poorly groomed, which is a good reason to take care of your trees. If neglected, they could make your entire yard look rather shabby. It's important to make sure your trees stay healthy. To do things like fertilizing them regularly, pruning them and controlling the pests that can affect them. Elwood's has been on a "crusade" educating the general public that "topping" is not proper tree pruning. This is not uncommon, it happens everywhere. The appearance of a properly pruned tree is like a good haircut; hardly noticeable at first glance.
Elwood's offers tree root problem consulting, soil aeration, emergency service, cabling and bracing, tree and shrub fertilization, post construction consulting, tree value damage assessment and pre construction consulting for tree protection zones. In 1990, Elwood Newhouse adopted the 88-year-old Salem Heritage tree at 1692 Liberty Street NE to preserve, prune and feed it. The tree wears a small plaque that identifies it as a European beech, planted in 1902. The seed was sent from Switzerland by relatives of Jacob Amsler Sr., the man who built the ajoining house in 1890.
It’s been a while you can find most of my stuff on Instagram but here’s what’s up we just had a major storm in Salem Oregon
Building clearances for a new roof
Clean safe and professional call us today for all your tree needs
Now hiring entry-level and experienced climber Salem Oregon 503-390-2838
Hide and seek champion of the world seen at our shop... A little nostalgia