RDCS provides arboriculture consulting services for public and private property Owners. Founder Jeremy Rappoport is a certified and registered consulting arborist in the San Diego area. Plant selection based on location, horticulture and arboriculture science. Rappoport is a professional horticulturist and a California C-27 landscape contractor, (consultant only). Whether you require litigation support and expert witness services or a certified arborist, landscape, horticulture and land development consultant or sub-consultant, RDCS LLC is ready to assist.
When you need first-rate arboriculture and landscape consulting services, RDSC delivers. We're committed to helping you create, maintain and preserve a lush, vibrant outdoor space that captures your vision. Jeremy Rappoport is president of San Diego-based Rappoport Development Consulting Services LLC, (RDCS). After earning his Bachelor of Science degree from California State Polytechnic University, where he majored in Ornamental Horticulture with a concentration in Landscape Design and Contracting, he went on to gain 30 years of hands-on experience and expertise.
Trees germinate, grow, mature, decline and eventually die. Throughout their lifespan, trees provide multiple benefits, from aesthetics to functional attributes such as shading, screening, carbon sequestration and erosion control. However, trees within the urban landscape contend with numerous stresses. As they mature, trees acquire injuries and defects that may develop into a hazardous condition. When environmental forces exceed a trees structural limits, failures and resultant accidents may occur.
RDCS provides a variety of landscape and horticultural consulting services. Founder Jeremy Rappoport is a licensed C-27 California landscape contractor, (consultant only), and professional horticulturist. Finding the perfect plant or tree is a difficult but important process. Through a careful study of horticulture and arboriculture, RDCS provides you with an understanding of specific plant growth characteristics and environmental requirements. This enables you to create an aesthetically pleasing landscape garden that is compatible with the physical and environmental needs of each individual plant.
Did your client trip over a sprinkler head or did turf grass hide a depression in the grade resulting in personal injury? Did a tree root lift a sidewalk panel, causing a trip and fall accident? Did a landscape contractor satisfy the industry standard of care? Jeremy Rappoport examines the complexity of landscape cases to determine satisfaction of industry standard of care, basing his expert opinion on facts and industry standards. RDCS, located in San Diego, California, provides landscape, certified arborist, horticulture and land development expert witness and litigation support services.
Located in San Diego, RDCS provides arboriculture consulting services for public and private property Owners throughout the southland. Founder Jeremy Rappoport is a certified arborist, (WE-9083A), registered consulting arborist, (RCA #564) and qualified tree risk assessor. RDCS conforms to standards and best management practices established by the American National Standards Institute, (ANSI) A300 tree care and Z133 safety standards. These standards were developed and adopted by the International Society of Arboriculture, the American Society of Consulting Arborist, and the Tree Care Industry Association to establish industry norms and practices.
Jeremy Rappoport will be a speaker at 'Trees for Tomorrow Start Today' Workshop on Zoom I'll speak from my perspective as an arborist legal expert witness, and the application of forensic tree risk assessment, with proposed solution. More info at https:// landscapeexpertw itness.com/ trees-for-tomorr ow-start-today- workshop/
Who is better qualified to opine on tree roots damaging infrastructure, a certified arborist or civil engineer? Read a blog recently posted to the company website at http:// landscapeexpertw itness.com/ expert-roots-dam aging-infrastru cture/
Have you ever seen a thriving turf block driveway? Learn more at http:// landscapeexpertw itness.com/ finally-turf-blo ck-driveway-goo d/