Regular trimming not only maintains the health of your tree but also ensures that your tree branches are not a safety hazard to pedestrians and motorists. Hire the skilled arborists at Petmecky Tree Service for effective tree trimming services. Our experienced and knowledgeable staff will remove all branches that could interfere with utility lines to ensure your complete protection. We have the necessary experience and equipment to get the job done right the first time. The certified arborist at Petmecky Tree Service can provide you with the comprehensive tree services you need at prices you can afford.
Strong storms can create havoc on your property, leaving it unsafe and messy. Whether you have a few broken branches or you have trees that have fallen into your power lines, Petmecky Tree Service can help.
As a local, family-owned business, we strive to provide you with exceptional work and competitive prices. We partner with a local stump removal company, Midwest Stump Removal. Contact us for more details.