Your property's trees add to its beauty as well as its value. Entrust them to our tree removal and trimming experts. Our company provides the safe practices needed to keep your property free of tree danger, while keeping our workers safe from injury. You can count on us for more than just tree trimming. Our service also provides debris hauling for every job. Let our licensed, insured experts provide your home or office with the tree care it needs today. Hamilton Tree Service in Jacksonville, Florida, commands more than 20 years of experience as a full-service tree company.
If your tree is dead or has broken limbs, grows very old, or is knocked down by a storm, contact us. We can safely remove these with our crane and bucket truck. This is safer for our technicians, and will eliminate holes in your trees. We also have climbers available for trees that are out of our bucket truck's reach. When it comes to quality tree removal, tree trimming, Hamilton Tree Service in Jacksonville, Florida, is the name you can trust. Our company provides the service your property needs to look great.
Have you been thinking that removing your tree stump is a simple matter of chaining it to your truck and hitting the gas? Considering this is how many bumpers get torn off in the process, calling in a professional is a safer solution.
There was a time when you would be stuck with a stump once you cut down your tree, unless you had a team of mules or a heavy-duty truck or tractor that delivered enough power to pull it out. Modern advancements, though, make stump removal faster with a fraction of the work.
Did you know that you can use chemicals to get rid of tree stumps? Chemical stump removers essentially make the stumps rot away. However, this method may take a few months so a lot of patience will be required.
The cost of stump removal isn’t always cut and dry. It can vary based on several factors, like the height and diameter of the stump to be removed.
One of the benefits of our stump grinding services is the mulch we leave behind in the stump’s place. This is excellent for returning nutrients to the soil and even helping to fertilize neighboring plants.