We are a locally owned, affordable, professional, and experienced tree and stump removal service that takes pride in letting nothing go to waste! Our team of professionally trained arborists will carefully remove or service even the most dangerous of trees. Tree work has always been apart of the Swenson family. I've been working in tree removal since I was 10 years old with my father and his high school buddies. I always admired watching the arborists work their magic in the trees. Gently shaping and gracefully lowering down chunks of wood.
Tree felling is an original Swenson trade. I started out doing tree removals when I was ten years old; fast-forward a few decades and it's still my passion. Every tree is different and should be handled with care. I make sure to be on every job so the removal goes smoothly. In the unfortunate even that you have a tree damage your property we are always quick to respond to take care your needs. We work closely with you and your insurance adjustor to make sure the tree is removed quickly and safely.
Got my life long buddy riding with me in the bucket truck this morning.
Had the pleasure of renesting a baby barred owl today. Mom and dad both returned without a problem.
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