Professional, high-quality tree removal services at a discount price. Experienced tree climbers also utilize bucket trucks, specialty lifts, chippers, and crane to efficiently and safely take down and remove trees. Pruning, or crown cleaning, increase air-flow and ensures that limbs do not become infested with insects and diseases. Our arborists can also determine if your trees have hazardous branches, and prune the branches appropriately to ensure your property's safety. Cut-Rate Tree provides quality tree service at a discount price.

Cut-Rate Tree provides professional stump grinding services at a discount price throughout the North Shore and Merrimack Valley. Our Certified Arborists and expert tree crews offer quick and affordable stump grinding after a tree is taken down. Stump grinding is used to grind out a tree stump and surface roots after removal, effectively removing a potential hazard, preventing termites and ants from nesting, and increasing the appeal of your landscape. Please inquire for a free stump grinding consultation with one of our Certified Arborists.

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