Whether it's a tree you need removed, or an ornamental you need properly planted, we do it all in a timely and professional manner. Our services include, but are not limited to: Tree removal, pruning both large and ornamental trees, stump grinding, cabling, pest management, plant health care, planting, root pruning, firewood and granite sales, and the removal of annoying invasive brush. Our estimates are free and we are meticulously on time.
Stumps are a by-product of tree removal. So if you want the tree completely gone, we can grind out the stump for you. Plywood is put up to protect the immediate surroundings from projectiles flung from the machine. The stump is ground down below grade (more if desired), and the mess is then cleaned up and taken away. The hole is filled in with some of the grindings or could be filled with loam upon request.
Sometimes trees need to be removed by means other than a rope tied to a pick-up truck. With tree removal comes great deal of responsibility since a great deal of mass is being controlled. It is rather uncommon to come across a job where a tree slotted for removal can be easily felled in one piece. We carefully work aloft in the tree, removing it in sections with ropes and pulleys to control the forces at play. Occasionally a crane will be implemented to facilitate an easier, faster, and safer work process.
When pruning trees there always is a goal in mind whether it is to get more sun on the lawn, branches away from the roof, or removing hazard limbs from traffic areas. Whatever your goal in mind is, we listen and develop a plan that best suits the situation. We prune according to ANSI 300 guidelines, which is a technical way of saying we do things by the book. In most cases, the only parts of a tree that need to be pruned away are the dead and diseased wood.