Daniel Macdonald AIA Architects, Inc. has been providing our clients a full range of architectural services since 1991. Our firm, based in beautiful Marin County, California, is an exceptionally diversified practice with projects ranging through mixed-use, commercial, retail, office, winery, civic, education, and single and multi-family residential. We are licensed nationally in over 11 states from New York to Hawaii. In addition, we have provided design assistance to international clients in locations such as Indonesia, England and Canada.
Daniel Macdonald AIA Architects is proud to work with Marin Health team on all these projects.https:// enewspaper.marin ij.com/ ?utm_email_=D45D A4D1B5D25564644 934BE43&utm_sou rce=listrak&utm _medium=email&u tm_term=Read%20 the%20eEdition& utm_campaign=e- edition-notify- marin
Park A Pup a unique 12,000sqft 2 story enclosed dog daycare, grooming and retail area is opening it's doors soon. Architecture by Novato's Daniel Macdonald AIA Architects.https:// www.dmaia.com/ park-a-pup