Founded in 1975, Brinkley Sargent Wiginton Architects has been performing award-winning design for over four decades. From high-profile projects for public administration, public safety, justice, court, and quality-of-life amenities, to highly technical projects like training complexes and medical centers, Brinkley Sargent Wiginton strives to exceed expectations in designing buildings that are unique, beautiful and functional. With a legacy of principal-led design and commitment to client service, Brinkley Sargent Wiginton is a leader in public sector architectural design and facility planning services.
Our team is still working hard for you! Dispatch is fielding calls for public works emergencies, police, fire, and medical calls and crews are out steadily answering calls.
Cal-Berkeley Gym Floor "repurposed" in whimsical wall at the "Das Rec" Center in New Braunfels, TX.
A little chill did not keep the ground from breaking in Fayetteville. We are proud to be designing their new police headquarters. #buildingcommuni ties #policearchitecthttps:// fayetteville-pol ice-fire-mayor- break-233821838 .html
Welcome to the team, WRL General Contractors!