Bushman Dreyfus Architects is located in Charlottesville, Virginia. Our firm was founded to bridge a divide between the extraordinary responsiveness of a small organization with the knowledge and depth of a larger one. We started small: the first project was a steel birdhouse designed for a charity auction in 1992, followed by winning a competition for the public amphitheater in Charlottesville. Today most of our built work is in Virginia, but we also have clients and projects in California, Florida, Liberia, Hawaii, Louisiana, and New York.

What's new?

Sun and shadows across a newly framed wall during a recent site visit.

Posted on Mar 11, 2021  •  Facebook

Landscape + structure, intertwined at the East Aurora House. (Photo by Ben Rahn)

Posted on Mar 02, 2021  •  Facebook

Loose sketching and site planning for a new residential project.

Posted on Feb 25, 2021  •  Facebook

Traditional meets contemporary. (Photo by Jessie Preza)

Posted on Feb 18, 2021  •  Facebook

Converging lines + reflections on the facade at The Center at Belvedere. (Photo by Virginia Hamrick)

Posted on Feb 11, 2021  •  Facebook

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