The firm was established in 1986 to provide Design Services ranging from single family custom homes to multi family units throughout the Washington DC Metropolitan area. In 1992, Donald E. Lipscomb, Jr. AIA became president of the corporation and leader in the diversification of the Architectural practice which continues to this day. The name of the firm was changed to DEL Studio Architects to reflect the collaborative approach of our team and the quality of communication with Clients, colleagues, and consultants necessary to serve our community successfully and with integrity.
Residential architecture is often the primary source of commissions for small architectural firms. This was true of Del Studio at its inception in the mid-1980's and remains a staple of our practice today. Listening to our clients and understanding how they live enables us to strike a balance between their goals and their resources. Residential additions require embracing change and crafting a cohesive vision. We examine and analyze the existing conditions which will serve as the opportunity to enhance the way occupants live while exploring the potential resulting beauty through sculpture, color and form.
We begin work with Phase I for Messiah United Methodist Church this week. Looking forward to assisting the Leadership as they make improvements to their campus.
It's a GO! After completion of our report and recommendations to repair and restore the Bell Tower to prevent further water damage in late 2019, we achieved approval of the College of Consultors AND the Building Permit today. We can now move forward to engage the Contractor and begin the work in...
Cappriotti's Sandwich Shop in DC. A fast track design effort in 2012-2013. Gone now, but not forgotten.
Proposed Host station at the Steakhouse at Rocky Gap Casino in Flintstone MD.