Vasari Lime Plaster & Paint manufactures natural and traditional products made from slaked lime, powdered marble and fine limestone sands. Our products are available in any texture, sheen or color, and made from the finest raw materials with the highest environmental standards. We love helping you live happier and healthier. We have showrooms and distributors in the USA, Malaysia, China, Cambodia, Singapore and the Philippines. We work with homeowners, architects, builders, designers, artisans and DIYers to help transform interiors and exteriors.
Vasari Carrera custom color. Masterfully applied by @alternativecon structors Thank you, Derek!
Beautiful Carrera lime plaster job in a bathroom. Thanks to the applicator who sent this. Say hi.
Hard troweled / burnished Vasari Marmorino plaster. Color.. ALABASTER. Delicious.
Perfectly polished Vasari Veneziano by @venecianplaste r_antonio in #ojai #losangeles and everywhere else. Not easy to do those curves. Incredible job! And an incredible plaster, if we may brag.
Vasari Veneziano. #staircase. Nothing else can play with light the way lime plaster can. It's not about the sheen or reflectivity, it's about refraction and luminescence. It glows like nothing else. It's so damn good.