Solid Rock Masonry is a family run masonry business located in Duluth, MN. The Moshier's and their team take pride in providing the best stone masonry work with Northwoods craftsmanship. Eric is a 3rd generation Master Stone Mason and has an eye for artistic design and detail. Eric has surrounded himself with craftsmen that take pride in their work. The homeowner enjoys artistic design, quality workmanship, and personal attention on every project. Solid Rock Masonry believes in mixing old-world craftsmanship with only the best modern technology.
The main feature that distinguishes a masonry heater is the ability to store a large amount of heat. This means that you can rapidly burn a large charge of wood without overheating your house. The heat is stored in the masonry thermal mass, and then slowly radiates into your house for the next 18 to 24 hours. To see a variety of pictures and historical descriptions of Masonry Heaters visit Low-Tech Magazine. If you burn wood fairly rapidly, it is a clean fuel. If you try to burn it too slowly, the fire will change from flaming to smoldering combustion.
Solid Rock Masonry offers a range of masonry services. We build custom designed masonry heaters, bake ovens, cook stoves, improved rocket mass heaters, stone facings, general brickwork, flagstone, and other masonry work. We also provide historic restoration services for historic buildings, bridges and other items on the National Historic Register. We also offer design services and support for DIY builders.
The hearth is truly the heart of the home. A magnificently crafted clean-burning stone fireplace becomes the center of attention no matter where it is located. Humans are drawn to fire like some sort of ancient rhythm. We need it and it needs us in order to stay alive. We keep the open hearth masonry fireplace tradition alive. From old-fashioned Rumford Firebrick Fireplaces to aerodynamically designed Prior-Fire Rosin fireplaces. We can create a timeless fireplace design to warm your soul.
The restoration and preservation of the beautiful masonry that has been standing for over 100 years is another one of our specialties. We have restored numerous historical landmarks, homes, and fireplaces all with the delicate, precision that these projects require. Most importantly, Solid Rock Masonry understands the importance of historical stonework and takes great pride in preserving our forefathers work for future generations.
We built one of our SR-22 masonry heaters with a white oven and 2 bells over by Marquette MI for the Fuess project. The heater was finished with red brick and Indiana limestone accent stones. Comments Off on Balas SR-18 masonry heating system with oval channels, a rear facing white oven and heated bench. Finished in fieldstone, brick, and stucco. Brick was finished with clay plaster. We built this masonry mass stove down by Strum WI for one of Mark Morgans of clients.
This is a wood-fired brick oven workshop that I taught at North House Folk School in Grand Marais MN in 2017. Oven Crafting: Building in the Round, Italian-Style. We traveled down to SW MN near Granite MN to teach a fast paced Masonry Heater Building Workshop for the Milan Village Arts School. This is one of our standard SR-13 masonry heater core systems with our new white oven design.
SR Doors are fabricated by our welder in Duluth MN, with North American steel, Pyro Ceramic glass (rated higher than Robax) and are fully gasketed. SR Firebox doors have an airframe built into them to supply 100% of the required combustion air for your firebox size. This design supplies the proper ratio of pre-heated under fire and over fire air for clean combustion plus an air wash on the glass to help keep the glass clean. SR Doors are sized to fit your firebox opening. For example, the SR-18FB door has a glass size of 18" w X 18.75" tall and is designed for a standard firebox size of 18" w X 22.5" tall.
This outdoor fireplace and outdoor kitchen was built in the City of Duluth for a project working with BellaTerra Landscape doing the landscaping and design for the project. We built a 36×36″ Rumford Style firebox for the fireplace.
The stone for this project was hand picked by the Luhrsens at various locations along Lake Superior. We upgraded the inefficient existing fireplace that the homeowners originally had to a much more efficient PriorFire/Rosin style firebox. Here are some updated final photo's from the project down by Mt. Horeb WI. We built one of our SR-22 masonry heating systems with a black oven and double bell heating chambers. We built this fireplace at Gunflint Lodge and finished the fireplace with local fieldstone and Gunflint slate.