Allowing more ventilation than any other window type, louver windows have been used for generations to create naturally comfortable buildings. Modern Altair Louvers by Breezway are award-winning, hurricane rated and are an energy efficient louver option for your next project. Altair Louvre windows by Breezway are extensively tested for compliance to Australian and International Standards and their performance has been proven in real-world hurricane conditions. Each window is made to order, allowing the widest choice of customizing options and resulting in a window that fits as perfectly into custom designed homes as it does into schools and apartment buildings.
Breezway is now at the forefront of louver window technology and design with a constant stream of product improvements flowing from our Brisbane-based R&D Centre. The R&D team facilities include advanced 3D modelling CAD software, on-site tooling and manufacturing facilities and an on-site NATA (National Association of Testing Authorities) approved window testing laboratory that allows new products to be tested and refined before being launched into the market. As a result, the team has developed many louver window innovations which now hold international patents, including the award-winning Powerlouver Window.
Breezway Altair Louver Windows can be used to enclose outdoor balconies so you can create extra year round living space for the whole family to enjoy. Not only do Altair Louvers in outdoor rooms provide extra living space, but they can also act as a primary noise. The fact that air rises as it heats up has been used for centuries as a way to draw fresh, cooler air into a building. This is one of the prime reasons that double height voids and windows positioned close to the ceiling are common features of naturally comfortable.
At Breezway, we believe buildings should be designed to work with nature, rather than sealing up and fighting against it. Breezway Louver Windows allow air conditioning and artificial lights to be turned off so you can live naturally. To learn more about the benefits of natural ventilation, Breezway has produced a number of Technical Bulletins to assist with your building designs. Ventilation openings are often needed in internal walls. The drawing above illustrates how a ventilation louver between rooms is more efficient than just having external louver windows alone.
2021 marks the 10th anniversary of North Queensland experiencing one of the largest and most horrific cyclones in Australian history.
To all our valued Facebook Followers, we would like to share this story with you.
Breezway is a brand you can trust. With over 85 years of experience we strive to deliver a quality product to market while offering superior design advice and excellent customer service from our Sales Team.
~Enjoy the day while reducing your electricity~
Breezway is very excited to be exhibiting at this year’s AusFenEx Conference at the ICC Sydney, 28th & 29th August…
To see Breezway Louvre Windows in a school environment, make sure you are on the bus for Tour 15, Mother Teresa Col…
Breezway is currently exhibiting at the Learning Environments Australasia (LEA) Conference in Perth. If you're at t…
Apartment Living – Studies Show Importance of Natural Ventilation - Read the news article here
Learn more about Breezway Powerlouvre Control Methods and our Wiring Guide:
Louvre Windows in Schools Can Improve Your Child’s Learning!