Showers used to be a small cubicle shielded by a curtain. That is a thing of the past! Weve come a long way and now you can choose from different shower sizes, finishes and types of partitions and shower doors. We have frameless shower doors, which make any smaller space look bigger. We have framed shower doors and their finish can match the dcor of your bathroom to make it look pulled together. Have you always wanted a steam shower? You can have it in your own bathroom! Ask us and we will show you how luxurious it can be.
Glass partitions are an effective and beautiful way to add style and flair to your home while allowing you to section off an area. For example, you could add frosted glass to give you privacy in an outdoor shower or to maximize the space in an indoor shower. Consider using colored or antique glass to create an alcove in your dressing room. Section off a part of your kitchen without making it look smaller. Glass partitions create the illusion of separation without giving up amplitude.