Design HEINZMANN high quality insulated glass windows and doors consist of one or more glazed panels, which are contained within an overall frame. Its versatile design will permit the glazed panels to operate in two separate modes: the turn mode (swing mode) for easy cleaning, and the tilt mode (inward mode) for ventilation. European Window Technology Offers Solutions that are one step ahead of time. German high-tech engineering, excellent craftsmanship, and experience in building superior quality windows for more than 40 years, has produced the window for today and for the future.
Security Never a day goes by without news of house-breaking and burglary. Statistics are alarmingly high! The standard features of Heinzmann proprietary windows embody a high degree of safety. This can be enhanced by fitting appropriate hardware, glass and security handles designed in accordance with the guidelines laid down for burglar-deterrent windows. Make the secure choice! You have the possibility of effective defense against burglars! Results of numerous investigations indicate that nearly all incidental criminals can be dissuaded even by simple security measures.
Roller Shutters & Retractable Screens Today, roller shutters are the most practical way to secure residential and commercial buildings. In addition, a roller shutter can be installed on any existing window or door. More and more homeowners are discovering the benefits a roller shutter has to offer. Fully rolled down, a shutter not only protects against natural disasters, but protects against burglars and intruders, lowers energy costs, reduces outside noise levels and gives greater privacy. Made from Aluminum or PVC, the shutter rides in tracks mounted on the side of the window.
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