Residential window tinting is one of A+ Window Pros's specialties. We are one of the finest and experienced window tinting company with many satisfied customers in Fredericksburg, Stafford and Spotsylvania, Virginia. Independent testing performed by engineers at the Naval Civil Engineering Laboratory located in Port Hueneme, California proves that even a relatively minor earthquake can cause widespread glass breakage. Even glass propelled only a few feet can be deadly. Our, 4,8 and 11 mil. Studies show that 64% of all burglaries occur as a result of an intruder smashing through the exterior glass to gain entry.
Glass windows and doors represent the most critical area of heat gain in the summer and heat loss in the winter. To offset the solar heat passing through windows, the U.S. consumes the energy equivalent of millions of barrels of oil every day. Our full line of reflective and non-reflective solar control commercial window film rejects up to 78% of the sun's energy in the summer to substantially reduce air-conditioning load, while "insulating" the windows in the winter months to reduce heating costs.