Our mission at Window Medics is to save you money by keeping your windows in top condition with out replacing them.
Window Medics is a family owned and operated business serving Bucks, Montgomery, and Eastern Chester Counties. We have been in operation since 2007. Complete customer satisfaction is our highest priority. It is our goal to heal your window panes. This innovative service is saving our property management firm thousands of dollars. Over the last few years, all of the windows in our complex have been failing; our budget has only allowed us to fix a portion of the windows each year. The Window Medics solution has allowed us to catch up and stretch our budget over our window problem as a whole.
You can rest assured that Window Medics has your back. Our techs will come out and secure your broken window keeping your house safe and weather tight while your new insulated glass unit is being manufactured. Do you have windows that won't stay up, don't lock or latch or even fall out or slam shut when you open them? Sounds like you have a hardware issue. At Window Medics our expert techs can come out and repair your windows to work like new. From springs and balances to locks and latches we have you covered helping you keep your house safe and secure.