GHB Construction Services Inc. has been providing exterior building waterproofing, restoration, masonry, building cleaning & building maintenance solutions in the Pacific Northwest for over 25 years. We understand that building owners continue to battle the elements when maintaining their buildings. Inevitably, minor problems will start to surface after a building has been in service for years but we have the expertise to assist you with your building maintenance and cleaning solutions. Our specialty services include exterior painting contractor, elastomeric coatings, exterior caulking, exterior cleaning, building sealing, masonry & tuckpointing, pressure washing, waterproofing and water leak detection.
GHB Construction Services Inc. knows that first impressions are lasting and your building's image can enhance your success. Our commercial pressure washing services include exterior power washing, building pressure washing and exterior building cleaning will give your business a polished clean image. We will brighten your grounds and building by power washing away dirt, grime, debris, moss & algae. Our eco-friendly building pressure washing complies with federal & local water regulations. Increase your tenants and protect your investment.
Brick and mortar buildings are beautiful structures that are under attack all the time. Time, moisture, pollutants, ground movement and lack of maintenance contribute to the deterioration process. These distresses appear as cracks, loose brick, flaking mortar, spalling and efflorescence. Our experience in masonry; brick cleaning, masonry waterproofing, masonry restoration & tuckpointing can add beauty back to a structure and prevent major damages in the future. Request a Free Onsite consultation today and protect your buildings value tomorrow!
With over 25 years of experience in detecting water leaks in Seattle buildings, GHB Construction Inc. understands 'Seattle Rain & Weather' and has the know-how to find water leaks and repair in the least amount of time. Detecting water leaks in a timely manner means dollars saved in potential water damage to your building. We are the local trusted water leak specialists with on-call emergency technicians detecting water leaks for you. Request a Onsite Leak Detection Site Analysis today and protect your buildings value tomorrow!