If you have been struggling with a leaky basement, you're probably familiar with the problems it can cause. So what causes the leakage? Storm sewer water from the municipal storm sewer system backing up into the home's existing perimeter foundation drain and leaking into the basement (this can only occur if the perimeter foundation drain system is connected to the municipal sewer system). Nothing is more frustrating than dealing with a wet basement. It can damage walls and flooring and ruin irreplaceable things like photo albums and family heirlooms.
Both Frank & George worked together at another basement waterproofing company at the time, and they knew that there were things that they would do differently, had they been in charge of that company. They decided to start Basement Waterproofing etc. with a business model that would always put quality first. They wanted to ensure that their reputation and customer satisfaction always stayed top priority. They would never use high pressure sales or scare tactics to get business. They also knew that quality work could be done without being too expensive.
This could be caused by something simple such as an overflowing laundry tub or it could be a result of water seeping in through basement windows, the walls or the floor. It could be colored black, brown, yellow or green, and you won't know for certain if it's mold without testing it. Often the northwest corner of a house is known as a "cold corner" and susceptible to developing mold.
What falls under the category of "mold or mildew cleanup"? As a full service company, Basement Waterproofing Etc. has a clear definition for you: mold abatement, decontamination or mildew cleanup is a safe, effective and removal of Mold Spores and growth from buildings, homes and personal possessions. There are many types of toxic mold which create health and structure hazards found in ceilings, walls, carpets, crawl space, basement, etc. The effects on the health and safety of individuals within the indoor environment are crucial.
For a damp or flooded basement, mold and mildew in your home, or uncomfortable basement living space contact Basement waterproofing Etc. We will assess your problem and educate you on what causes water, moisture and foundation problems, and all available basement solutions available. Basements are built in soils that vary from region to region. Water in the soil leaking into basements is a problem that has troubled homeowners for more than 100 years. This water will enter the basement through the walls, floors, and joints between them.
Hope you all had a great ❤️ day!!!
Why & When Should You Call? -water seepage -smell a musty odor -cracked or bowed walls -mold/mildew on walls -increase home value -increase living space Call today for a FREE Estimate 877-709-3379www.basementwat erproofingetc.c om
Another 5 star review for our company Basement Waterproofing Etc!! Our customers being happy is what matters most to us!! Thank you Jen W!!!