Getting a newly installed roof will go a long way towards keeping your home comfortable. Whether your old roof has sprung a leak and is in desperate need of repair, or you want to update your roof, we can help! Big or small, we'll do it all. With a properly installed roof from Rain Proof Roofing, you can keep more of your climate-controlled air inside your home, saving you big on your energy bills. We've created a few short lists of helpful and informative tips that will help answer questions you may have about our roof replacement process.
Install Any GAF Lifetime Shingle & At Least 3 Qualifying GAF Accessories & You'll Automatically Get: A Lifetime ltd. Warranty for complete coverage and restrictions. The word "Lifetime" means as long as the original individual owner(s) of a single family detached residence [or the second owner(s) in certain circumstances] owns the property where the shingles and accessories are installed. For owners/structures not meeting above criteria, Lifetime coverage is not applicable. Note: The Lifetime Roofing System was new for 2012, so some individual product packages may reference the previous (pre-2012) warranty coverage.