Interactive 360 reports - Client Presence NOT REQUIRED. Our clients easily understand the report with room by room 360 images that have true interaction with the property deficiencies complete with photos and video. We offer XRF Lead paint testing along with AHERA Asbestos testing. Serving the Seattle area for both Commercial and Residential building owners, property management, buyers, sellers and lenders. We use the best EMF / RF meters available to the professional EMF surveyor in the industry.
With increasingly larger portion of contractors and homeowners turning away from copper and CPVC and switching to PEX, we're inevitably facing the reality that PEX is not a final solution for the plumbing industry, and like its predecessors and competitors, has its own ups and downs. The good news is that a PEX system can be made to last beyond the 20-25 standard warranty and perform as needed when properly understood and installed. Having been in the PEX industry for many years, we've heard it all - the PEX-A vs PEX-B debates, PEX vs. copper vs. CPVC, leaks, bursts, kinks and you name it.
The natural aging of cedar is one of the many qualities homeowners love about a cedar roof. But that aging can also be problematic if it occurs prematurely. That's why it's so important to have basic cedar roof maintenance and cedar wood preservation done on a regular basis. It ensures you'll enjoy a trouble-free cedar wood roof for 50 years or more. In fact, cedar wood is one of the few roofing materials where its life can be prolonged by basic maintenance and preservation measures. Two environmental factors begin the natural aging process for cedar wood: sunlight and wet weather.
In general, the law allows a homeowner to perform an electrical installation on his or her property without electrical licensing or individual certification. Although this exemption exists it does not provide the homeowner with a realization of the potential safety hazards of a substandard electrical installation. The Department's experience with homeowner electrical installations has led us to compile a list of the most common violations. This list is not comprehensive or inclusive. Successfully completing all items on this list will not cover everything that you will need to know to do a compliant installation.
Asbestos Reporting Software via @YouTube
We are Inspecting as per the 2 / 6 rule. Call us today!!
Another Listing Inspection today. Are we heading back towards a Buyers Market?
#BellevueAsbestos Another job survey for a Commercial remodel
YES there is still Toxic Soil in Seattle - FREE Soil Testing
Lead Paint - Why you need testing via @seattleinspect
Tips for Hiring a Home Improvement Professional via @seattleinspect