These are just a few ways home owners, builders, and contractors can increase value and equity. On all new construction, please work with us during the planning phase and we can show you how to achieve an excellent efficiency rating, at the lowest possible cost. Advanced Framing, proper air sealing, placing HVAC in the conditioned space, and other small tasks can take a code-built home to an home meeting advanced standards for less money than you would expect. A low HERS score is achievable. Homeowners, contractors, do-it-yourselfers, property managers, and real estate professionals can take advantage of our unique service.
Assistance with ENERGY STAR, RESNET HERS, EPS, Net Zero, NGBS, WA State Evergreen Sustainable Development Standard, and DOE Builders Challenge. Call us today 360-624-5523 to schedule your duct-test, blower door test, and energy efficiency inspection report. As a qualified energy consultant, we can advise you on upcoming code changes and provide assistance with code compliance. There are several important changes in local building codes that you need to be aware of. We can help get you up to speed on the requirements as well as help you get the certifications you need.
We are your guide to help simplify the state energy codes, reduce risk and errors as your third-party expert to properly add value to your business. Homeowners, contractors, do-it-yourselfers, property managers, and real estate professionals can take advantage of our unique service. You can get cash back by evaluating and improving your home's energy performance. I never knew you could test your house for air leaks and had no idea we were losing so much. I thought it was all insulation and windows.
Indoor Air Quality issues, and preventing them during construction can make home builders one of the Hero's of 2020.
Swiftsure could help ease the load on jurisdictional code enforcement...https:// about/ hers-raters-and- energy-codes/
Good tool for high performance homes appraisals... https:// appraisers/ appraisal-portal /
Construction as an essential service... http:// 2020/03/ dhs-designates-r esidential-cons truction-as-ess ential-infrastr ucture-business / ?utm_source=news letter&utm_medi um=2-0330&utm_c ampaign=MMB2020
Insulation best practices part 3https:// SByvOQwFGFU