TTI specializes in the installation and integration of various cable and gland applications. Our technicians have experience installing in hazardous and non-hazardous areas, as well as many industrial applications throughout the world. Our offering provides an installation solution for virtually every cable type used in hazardous and industrial environments including: NEC, CSA, ATEX, IEC, and other regional certifications. TTI offers electrical control panel manufacturing, assembly, and fabrication services for custom wiring and control systems.
TTI welders are qualified, tested, trained, and available 24/7 to weld at our facility in Houston, TX, at your shop or job site, or any where in the world. Our Welders are able to pass a 6G welding test to TTI or customer welding procedures. We have experience working with many materials, finishes, and filler metals. Special attention is given to ABS and DNV requirements when necessary. We have ample experience working with many certification and inspection companies to comply with X-ray, UT, VT, PT, and any other welding requirements.
TTI pipe fitters are available 24/7 to work at our facility in Houston, TX, at your shop or job site, or any where in the world. Our pipe fitters are experienced in making and creating the perfect fit-up to make sure all final welds are aligned and ready final testing and installation. Special attention is given to ensure there is no interference, and that the root pass is able to be done without any complications.
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Good morning! TTI is looking for talented individuals with I&E experience. For information visit our website and fill out an application online. Have a great day!
One of the projects TTI has been a part of this 2014.