Normally, you would use traditional methods, like an air conditioner in the summers or a heater during winters, to control the temperature inside your home. But there are chances that you may still be unsatisfied due to a lack of proper insulation. The need for insulation increases when you begin noticing your home has warm and cold spots instead of a consistent temperature throughout. This can be due to air leaks that do cause problems in terms of insulation. Depending on the weather and the season, cold or warm air can get trapped in tight spaces like wall frames and light fixtures.

Spray foam whose chief constituent is polyurethane foam is used to fill cracks and crevices in your home to prevent entry of air, water vapor and outside heat and cold depending on the season. It is a lucrative roofing agent as well. As is well known, it stiffens and expands within seconds of application to about 10 times its original volume on being sprayed and also assumes varying shapes and densities as per requirement. Since polyurethane is very light weight it adds no additional burden to the weight of your building and guards its structural integrity, becoming a weather proof roofing agent that adheres to your roof surface like second skin.

To improve the condition of your home and to decrease energy consumption, there is no better way to do so than by insulating your attic. Keeping the law of thermodynamics in mind, you will realize that heat tends to move from hot to cold areas rapidly. Homes that are not insulated can get quite toasty during the summers. You can avoid this predicament by insulating your home and especially your attic. To learn why attic insulation is important and how spray foams can assist in this scenario, read on.

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Posted on Aug 01, 2014  •  Twitter