Many homeowners believe that their insulation is protecting them from the outside air and harsh weather. A key factor in creating a more comfortable and energy efficient living space is to reduce air leakage into and out of your conditioned space. This often goes unseen and you get left spending more and more on your electricity bill, while never feeling comfortable in your own home. Air leakage is a fairly typical but crucial problem to fix within your home and can typically only be detected by using special temperature and pressure testing equipment throughout your attics, basements, floors, doors and windows.
Carbon monoxide testing: This identifies unsafe levels of carbon monoxide that can be related to improper or incomplete combustion of appliances, furnaces, water heaters, fireplaces or blocked vents, and back drafting. Symptoms are headache, fatigue, nausea and, when in high concentrations, can be fatal. Gas & Refrigerant testing: For your family's health, it is important to locate and repair gas leaks at supply sources for appliances, furnace, water heaters, etc. Did you know that any flex supply line made prior to 1973 must be replaced, as well as some shut off valves that are outdated?
Duct Sealing is often overlooked when a homeowner tries to comprehend why their home is constantly uncomfortable. Most homeowners assume that the duct work was done properly and has maintained integrity over the years. Duct leaks are a huge culprit of wasting energy. Not only can your ducts leak air, they can bring in dust and allergens from your unconditioned space into your distribution system and ultimately into the air you breathe inside your home. These contaminates can enter in the duct system through seems, joints and cracks.
In Arizona, attics can reach up to 150 degrees. If you do not have properly installed insulation in your attic, that incredibly hot air is radiating through your ceiling and into your home. Everyone expects to pay more for their electricity bill in the summer due to the immense heat, but many overlook the drastic effects of inadequate or misaligned insulation and do not realize that they could be saving a lot more on their bill. When it comes to attic insulation, the most important factor is Proper Usage and Installation.
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Did you know? Energy efficiency could meet 1/3 of our expected electricity generation needs by 2030. This #EEDay2020 on Oct. 7, let’s work together to cut energy waste. Join the thousands of people who have already pledged to save energy and money. EEDay2020
Identifying cost-effective solutions with an #AZEnergyEfficie ntHome audit will give way to significantly reduce energy consumption and energy bills. Learn more about the audit process https:// #energyaudit
We are EXCITED to announce that we are now offering HVAC services. Click on the LEARN MORE button below for specials and more information. Call us today to schedule at 480-471-0111
We are experts in diagnosing and fixing any issues in Arizona homes to improve #homeenergyefficiency.…
An #IndoorAirQuality assessment of a home air system identifies issues with carbon monoxide and other contaminants…
According to #EnergyStar, “about 20% of the air that moves through the duct system is lost due to leaks, holes and…
Wishing our customers, friends, and family a wonderful #Thanksgiving- we are #thankful for every one of you!…
Schedule for an #AZEnergyAudit before the end of the year to take advantage of SRP and APS residential rebates. Imp…
Duct leaks are a huge culprit of wasting energy. The #AZEnergyEfficientHome team will evaluate your current duct sy…