We are a mobile service for Columbia and the surrounding areas such as Ashland, Booneville, Fulton, Hallsville, Jefferson City and Moberly. We can help you if your locked out of your car or lost your keys. We also make spare keys, even those fancy ones with the chips inside. We can also provide you with key-less door lock remote fob repair or replacement and much more! Freshen up the look of your home with a new lock installation, or just get new keys for locks your already have. We have a wide range of options from budget conscious to state-of-the art security concepts for your home.
We are a mobile locksmith that serves central Missouri. We specialize in helping clients that are locked out of their car or home as well as sell & repair all types of locks, keys, & security devices for automotive, commercial, & residential venues. We are committed to providing excellent customer service, no matter if the job is big or small. We feel privileged to provide essential services to our home town of Columbia, as well as the many communities we frequently visit in the area. Brandon Smith grew up helping his parents with their own successful small construction business.
Home security is crucial in today's society and we have solutions to help protect your family and property. We can install electronic locks to your home or give you elegant traditional lock options. We can also change your current locks to make new keys fit and get all of your locks on the same key, making life a little more convenient. Door adjustments and repair are another part what we do everyday, so if you are in need of any of these services for your home, call us today!
Keeping your company's assets secure is vital to the success of every business. B's Lock & Key has the knowledge and skills to effectively protect your firms merchandise and personnel. We can provide your business with restricted keys that uphold the integrity of your key system. Electronic access control can be another great option for this. On top of these services we are able to provide lock repair or maintenance, or install new locks or door hardware to safeguard your business.
Thank you to all our clients for making 2015 a great year! A special thanks to Columbia Daily Tribune for supporting small business like us!
Exciting things are happening, I just got a new key machine that allows me to cut laser style keys. I can also cut and program more remote head keys than ever!
Fixed! Before and after photos from a job I just did.