Fire Chief Equipment specializes in servicing your equipment from an integrated point of view. We eliminate the gray areas between vendor responsibilities and provide the best value for you and your company. Our technicians are certified for all of our products and can supply and service all of your fire protection and fire sprinkler system needs on site. Level 5 means we are setting standards of excellence, not just conforming to them. We do this through many strategic and tactical initiatives, including the hiring and training of our technical and administrative personnel, the selection of the best equipment suppliers and subcontractors and by a constant fine-tuning of our delivery model.
As a part of our operation and commitment to provide our customers with a single source for fire protections needs, Fire Chief Equipment provides a wide variety of portable extinguishers to meet your needs. Pressurized Water Extinguishers: Used for extinguishing common combustible fires (Class A). Sentry: Dry Chemical Extinguishers are designed for the protection of light, ordinary, and extra high hazards. They are suitable for use in household, commercial and industrial fire protection needs. Sentry: Carbon Dioxide Extinguishers are designed to protect areas where: Class B (flammable liquids and gases) or Class C (energized electrical equipment) fires could occur.
Our Contractor Sales Division maintains support for General Contractors to the individual customer who walks through the front door.
Fire Chief Equipment represents the full line of Bobrick bathroom accessories. We are now the premier northwest distributor for everything from soap dispensers to full bathroom sets.
The oldest form of fire extinguishing, water based sprinkler systems are still widely used in many industries. A sprinkler system today can consist of anything from simple deluge based systems to much more advanced misting systems. At Fire Chief Equipment, the Fike MicroMist system is most commonly used for select applications. In addition, we offer Aqueous Film-Forming Foam systems or AFFF. This third water-based extinguishing agent is a great option in areas that contain or use flammable liquids.
The term "Fire Alarm" used to be an all-encompassing catch phrase used to describe a fire evacuation system with some pull stations, bells or horns. Today, alarms are much more complex and incorporate voice and network capabilities. It is for this reason that we prefer the term Fire and Life Safety Systems. Below are short descriptions of the different systems represented by Fire Chief Equipment. Expandable, network-able and scalable, the NFS2-640 is also designed for backward compatibility. The NFS-3030 is an intelligent Fire Alarm Control Panel designed for medium to large-scale facilities.