We know that business owners and facility managers believe their card access and other security systems are good enough even though the cards, keys and PINS are expensive and cannot identify anyone. So, we have created face and fingerprint security systems that can identify anyone to help millions of business owners that can rely on cards, keys and PINS for security. By use of face and fingerprint access control they can reduce the overall system cost and free resources to grow their companies. Foolproof biometric access reduces facility protection costs and increase safety by validating and authenticating visitors and employees.

At FaceKey, we've provided superior business security and access control solutions since 1999. Headquartered in San Antonio, our company has pioneered and patented a family of biometric products and solutions that utilize face recognition or fingerprints for identification. From small businesses to global enterprises, FaceKey's family of products has a proven record with employee time and attendance tracking as well as mustering systems and access control systems. Security, safety, cost efficiency and crisis management are as important for FaceKey as they are for your business.

From problems with non-custodial parents in a grade school to unauthorized guests on a college campus, controlling access with certainty is the first line of defense to keep the institution safe. FaceKey's access control solutions can also be used for convenient, but controlled access to buildings, dormitories, cashless vending, and additional campus activities. Biometrics are the only way to ensure that unauthorized persons using traditional credentials, i.e. cards or keypads, do not access your facilities.

Foolproof biometric access reduces facility protection costs and increase safety by validating and authenticating visitors and employees. The key to achieving access control is absolute identification of authorized users. This means using biometrics which is the only identification method that "cements" a user's credentials to a person. Do you want to make sure that only authorized persons access customer information? Banks are tasked with staff and customer safety, the security and confidentiality of customers' personal information and to ensure compliance with the federal Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act.

Built on a server-client architecture that runs over IP networks, FaceKey's access control system is easy to install and operate and requires minimal training. Data collected at each door is automatically uploaded to the server, while configurations made at the network level (such as the addition or deletion of a user) may be selectively distributed to each door unit. All communications and fingerprints are encrypted. The easy-to-operate EntryGuard system will provide your company with exceptional protection, versatility, accuracy and cost efficiency.

What's new?

Do you know that Biometrics are Easy to Record? Biometrics involves taking analogue input and turning it into digital data. It is easy to maintain comprehensive records for millions of people in a database. Some of the largest biometrics databases in the world have billions of unique samples. While...

Posted on Mar 04, 2021  •  Facebook

Biometrics can’t be forged. While some biometric factors can be forged, most are very difficult to replicate. You can’t trick a fingerprint scanner or facial ID easily, which increases security and efficiency by a considerable margin. While no system is foolproof, biometrics are more difficult to...

Posted on Feb 25, 2021  •  Facebook

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