Save money with the new Model Genie lighting controls! Learn More about Model Genie or Contact Us today for a FREE Evaluation of your model's Energy Consumption! ProTech Contracting Inc. has been providing the Multi Family industry with a complete line of electronic products and services since 2000, specializing in Submetering, Alarms, Access Control, CCTV, and Conservation/ Green Initiatives. ProTech Contracting Inc. is a one stop source for all electronic needs, while providing seamless integration of all systems.

Save money with the new Model Genie lighting controls! Learn More about Model Genie or Contact Us today for a FREE Evaluation of your model's Energy Consumption! ProTech Contracting is now a distributor and authorized installer of Model Genie® lighting controls! Lighting in model apartments is the greatest source of energy consumption. Lighting is also the most inefficient consumer with only 30% of its energy going to light, the remainder is wasted heat energy. Combining automated lighting controls with more efficient CFL or LED bulbs can save you hundreds!

ProTech Contracting Inc. currently is the only provider to directly bill property residents for alarm services. This feature allows owners to provide a valuable amenity to its residents without absorbing monthly fees that impact operating expenses. By the owner installing non-proprietary alarm systems that are handled by ProTech Contracting Inc, the property eliminates all reoccurring fees and ProTech Contracting Inc. deals directly with residents for monitoring services, fees, maintenance, and collections.

Save money with the new Model Genie lighting controls! Learn More about Model Genie or Contact Us today for a FREE Evaluation of your model's Energy Consumption! ProTech Contracting Inc is widely known for our Maintenance programs which are available to properties thoughout the United States. Our Maintenance Programs include monthly audits and service as needed, but can be modified to meet specific needs. Service is available at an hourly rate without a maintenance contract (parts not included).

Save money with the new Model Genie lighting controls! Learn More about Model Genie or Contact Us today for a FREE Evaluation of your model's Energy Consumption! With a wide selection of capable and reliable cameras and DVRs, we can satisfy all of your needs, including those that require offsite viewing and monitoring capabilities. ProTech Contracting Inc. seamlessly integrates all these products into one reliable system that performs to your expectation. ProTech Contracting Inc. can also provide systems that are upgradeable and expandable to meet all future needs.

Save money with the new Model Genie lighting controls! Learn More about Model Genie or Contact Us today for a FREE Evaluation of your model's Energy Consumption! While most understand the value of protecting the earth and it's natural resources, businesses must also weigh in the financial factors which impact their bottom line. We can show you how to create a system that can reduce or eliminate electric dependency in common areas and assist in cost recovery. With the implementation of Grants, Credits, and Buy Back programs available, returns on this investment will make your investors and accountants happy.

Save money with the new Model Genie lighting controls! Learn More about Model Genie or Contact Us today for a FREE Evaluation of your model's Energy Consumption! ProTech Contracting Inc. can supply and install energy efficient interior and exterior light fixtures and bulbs to reduce operating expenses while helping save our natural resources. Please Contact Us if you would like more information about any of our unit security systems or submetering solutions.

Save money with the new Model Genie lighting controls! Learn More about Model Genie or Contact Us today for a FREE Evaluation of your model's Energy Consumption! ProTech Contracting Inc. has a variety of products to reduce water usage of irrigation systems. Products range from installation of rain gages to stop system operation after a shower, to cell phone based systems that continually update the system controller to activate the irrigation system based on meteorological history, current area soil conditions, and local forecasts.

Save money with the new Model Genie lighting controls! Learn More about Model Genie or Contact Us today for a FREE Evaluation of your model's Energy Consumption! ProTech Contracting Inc. provides all levels of controlled access into buildings, ranging from simple push button coded locks to full biometric access systems. Based on management needs our systems are capable of providing a full log of entry and exit events, as well as full lock out specified times. As a General Contractor, we understand all phases of construction and work directly with contractors to insure that all systems are fully operational at building completion.

ProTech Contracting Inc. can provide alarm systems for any new project. We work directly with construction personnel. Since we are a General Contracting company, we understand all phases of construction and work with the contractor to insure that when residents move in, the system is completely operational. Please Contact Us if you would like more information about any of our unit security systems or submetering solutions.

Save money with the new Model Genie lighting controls! Learn More about Model Genie or Contact Us today for a FREE Evaluation of your model's Energy Consumption! Protech Contracting Inc. offers a wide variety of Utility Submetering equipment to meet the needs of different site configurations. Utility Submetering requirements are determined per site for both existing and new construction. Only factory trained technicians are used to implement and oversee all installations. Submetering can be performed anywhere an owner is providing utilities to its clients, to include: Apartments, Marinas, Commercial Lease Space, and Trailer Parks.

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