Landscape Lighting Professional shines the light on manufacturer products, fixture types, night lighting photography, residential and commercial lighting applications and the thoughts of Professionals in Outdoor lighting. Have you ever considered living beyond the walls of your home? We have. We are truly outdoor living specialists. Designing and building extensive outdoor environments including outdoor kitchens, outdoor fireplaces and poolscapes of great magnitude. Preferred Properties Landscaping have been innovators in creativity and style with their award winning landscapes throughout Connecticut.

Our experienced landscape designers can transform your yard into a beautiful oasis with creative plantings, professional stonework and paver installation, strategic landscape lighting, and water feature installation.

Preferred Properties Landscaping can help you create that perfect outdoor living space with a beautifully designed patio. Our Landscape designers can look at and access all the elements including elevation, drainage, size, shape and texture of the patio all in effort to build the patio you deserve. A patio is an extension of your living space outside and can incorporate the most desirable features such as eating areas, spa and sunning areas and fireside relaxation with your family. Preferred Properties Landscaping designers know and understand backyards well.

Michael is clearly one of the best landscape lighting designers in the country. In my role as a photographer of outdoor lighting, I've visited and photographed many of Michael's projects - not only were the lighting designs creative and effective, they were also installed perfectly with a great attention to detail. My photos of Michael's projects have been published in numerous trade journals and design magazines. Editors are thrilled with these outstanding examples of landscape lighting. Michael has embraced both the art and science of lighting design and applies it to create compelling nighttime environments for his very lucky clients.

Preferred Properties Landscaping has provided commercial snow removal services for clients in central Connecticut for over 24 years. Preferred Properties Landscaping excels in personalized service yet with the bigger punch to get the job done. Preferred's SNOW AND ICE RESPONSE PLAN is tailored to the scope of operations at every site. Our services include complete snow removal services such as snow plowing, hauling, shoveling, maintenance as well as clearing sidewalks driveways, salting, and removing ice.

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