Oregon Log Furniture specializes in building quality, custom log furniture that is unique and long lasting. We don't just stop at furniture; we also offer custom lumber, railings and log accents for indoor and outdoor use, which adds style and value to any home. Each log we use is hand selected, crafted and sealed to protect it for a lifetime. We offer personal service and affordable prices, with a lifetime guarantee.
We offer custom Hand Made Log and Rustic Furniture along with custom sawn lumber, reclaimed lumber, beams, fireplace mantels and much more. Inspired by our love for the outdoors and woodworking, Oregon Log Furniture hasfound a creative way to make a living by building Custom furniture and using the natural resources of the northwest.
Custom bluestain pine table with benches #bluestain #dinningroom #logtable #logfurniture @oregonlogfurni ture #dinningroom #cabinlife #oregon #oregonlogfurnit ure
Need a bigger dresser?@oregonlogfurni ture #oregonlogfurnit ure #logfurniture #craftsman #cabinlife #mtnlife #rustic
12 Drawer dresser with bluestain live edge top #logfurniture @oregonlogfurni ture #bedroom #bluepine
Working from home these days? Give us a call and we can build you a custom desk. #homeoffice #workfromhome #oregonlogfurnit ure @oregonlogfurni ture #office #isitoveryet