With Bergen and Brasier each project and client is different, in wants, desires, and ability to convae these. Their need for quality, functionality, and design will all vary. We supply not only the very best from Germany and America but also great quality and price from our shops in the States and Canada. From our custom shops we can supply a hand carved chair to a million dollar animated bespoke kitchen. There are no limits to our cabinets and thus our designs.
Rutt is our 100 year old shop in Pennsylvania. From traditional to contemporary, Rutt is the finest America has to offer. From Custom Wainscot Paneling, Custom Mouldings, Custom Turnings, Interior Doors, Furniture, and Animation Rutt's quality is unmatched. Studio Becker is the only completely custom, bespoke shop of German exporting to US. It unsurpassed in quality and engineering. We lead the industry on innovation and design, quality and finish. Whether you need interior doors, walls, animated cabinetry, or a bespoke Grand Piano, Studio Becker and I are the very best you can do.
Just a few more pieces from our custom shop. A headboard and a few kitchen parts. The large Armwoie piece is a refrigerator.
Pretty amazing that a cabinet company mush less with a traditional look was able to receive such recognition
Please help me with our website and how Roll-Royce and I are connected