Located in Lancaster County PA, Lyndon Heath Cabinetry is comprised of highly experienced craftsman who create exquisite custom fit cabinetry for the home. It has been our honor to work alongside the very best interior designers, architects and builders in the industry, outfitting each custom project with mill-work that reflects the highest standards. We are passionate about providing our clients with an unmatched experience, combining truly beautiful cabinetry with an emphasis on our client's enjoyment of the entire process.
On all of our inset cabinetry, we go to great lengths to make sure that 2 cabinets are never simply joined together creating a double wide face frame. When it is not feasible to make the unit in one piece, we often split it like this. Once it is joined together in place, all it takes is a little...
Simply perfect @jayjenkins3704#lyndonheathcabi netry#jenkinsbaerinte riors
When complexity is masked in simplicity.#lyndonheathcabi netry#jayjenkins3704#jenkinsbaerinte riors#jpaulbuilders
If your kids are like our kids, they climb on everything that is higher than they are. So Jamie and I thought, let's get some rope and harnesses and at least keep them safe. We found that climbing is a bit like life, it requires some bravery, patience, determination and a love for adventure.#...