Our employees are back to work ensuring that clients who were in-process prior to the shut down can move in. We've recently expanded our production capacity. Stone Kitchens follows safety recommendations. Let's keep everyone safe.
Like all worthy artisans, we know how to use our tools. Some of the recent stone-work advances revolve around computing equipment used on location for pre-installation measurements. Measuring and cutting tolerances are as tight as they've ever been and that's good news for homeowners. The allure of natural stone is its beautiful, random composition and color. There's something about cut stone that we all love. While granite has become the counter top of choice in recent years, we've done beautiful, natural stone projects in all sorts of places.
Engineered stone is man-made. Ground up quartz is mixed with resin and color(s) to create pseudo-stone designs. By weight, the material is about 90% stone. The raw material usually arrives in slabs (10' x 4.7') much the same way natural stone (8.5' x 4.5') is delivered. One of the attractions of engineered stone is that it has a three-dimensional natural look. Color consistency is usually the biggest draw, however. The reliable color component is really awesome if your color scheme requires a predictable palette.
Keep going and keep moving forward. Have a great day!
Happy Humpday! It may not be Thursday but we're throwing it back to this beautiful small, open kitchen we worked on a while back. How best would you use this space?