Associated Builders and Contractors members gain the knowledge and representation needed to protect their companies from unfair and anti-competitive business practices. Our association's merit shop philosophy and fair and open competition political agenda rank as some of the main reasons why companies join and remain members of ABC. Contracts are awarded based on safety, quality, and value, regardless of labor affiliation. For more information about what Associated Builders and Contractors is doing to fight for your right to work in Alaska, contact Amy Nibert, Chapter President/CEO, at (907) 565-5600.
Associated Builders and Contractors of Alaska will be the voice of the construction industry, advocating the ideals of the free enterprise, developing training for the workforce and providing contractors the resources required to compete in the ever changing environment.
The Denali Executive Club Program increases your visibility in the construction industry with ABC of Alaska's growing group of general contractors, sub-contractors, suppliers and associate members. Our members recognize the importance and value of ABC as the voice of the merit shop construction industry in Alaska. Why become a Denali Executive Club Member? Increase the voice of our Merit Shop Construction Industry and the defense of Free Enterprise through public education and political advocacy.
ABC Members have the ability to attend any of upcoming webinars ABC National has for free. This academy for construction ethics, compliance & best practices can be found at https:// Education-Traini ng/Academy/ Upcoming-Webinar s