The mission of CEC is to enhance the independent electrical contractor's success by developing a professional workforce, communicating clearly with government, promoting ethical business practices, and providing leadership for the electrical industry, supplying effective and economical solutions for the most advanced technology in all fields, ensuring their effectiveness in time to keep us as leaders in service and profitability and maintain the highest quality. The vision of CEC is to be a leader, recognized as a professional, rigorous in achieving quality and committed to the work efficiency.
We provide customers with efficient and economical solutions. Through value engineering we are able to eliminate weeks or even months from your project schedule. We can work within a compressed time schedule to deliver your project on time. We understand, first and foremost, that time is money. Delivering a project on time is our commitment to you. CEC provides electrical construction, telecommunication and electrical maintenance services directly to corporations, municipalities or other government entities and indirectly, by acting as a subcontractor for construction managers and general contractors.