Steam & Process Repairs offers cost-effective solutions and responsive field engineer support for all your piping system repair needs. Our experienced and diligent staff have the equipment and the knowledge to ensure the efficient, on-site repair of virtually any type of leak you may have. S&P Repairs saves you from costly shutdowns. We provide a large range of repair services, including leak sealing, pipeline system rehab, hot tapping and line stops, concrete repairs and technical bolting. S&P also maintains a full service fabrication shop for the production of fittings, high-pressure repair clamps, and leak sealing enclosures.

The Concrete Repair Services Division at Steam & Process can provide you with engineered solutions related to structural maintenance and repair, chemical and hazardous waste containment, and water control problems in concrete structures and soil. When economic factors prohibit new construction, we can provide cost-effective and safe alternatives to extend the life and profitability of your structure. Our trained staff performs a detailed and complete inspection of your site before evaluating all possible procedures to ensure the development of an effective long-term solution.

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