Calcium chloride is a salt made of calcium and chloride. As one of the most versatile of the basic elements, calcium chloride is useful for a variety of applications, from food preservation to dust control. Calcium chloride, in its dry state, releases heat as it reacts with moisture, melting ice and snow at a much lower temperature than rock salt. How long does a road last? When do we stop filling potholes and look at the safety of the road? Just consider the costs of filling potholes and sealing cracks year after year.
Using calcium chloride for dust control not only keeps the roads and parking lots clear of dust, but it also makes the residents on gravel roads happy. On top of that, calcium chloride applications are good for the health of the road in winter and summer and can begin to work year over year. Gravel roads and parking lots kick up dust. You know it. The residents know it. Summers in the midwest can be unpredictable, and dry spells can cause dust from gravel roads to become unmanageable. When dust gets out of control, residents become frustrated.
Dust is an annoyance for homeowners, but it's more than that. It can affect your home and health. Get back to enjoying the great outdoors with calcium chloride for your driveway or unpaved roads near your home. Dust control isn't just about saving money, it's also about enjoying your time outside. Get back your clear, dust-free afternoons in the yard and stop fighting troublesome driveways with safe and reliable control. Schedule your treatment by contacting a Great Lakes Chloride staff member. Let us know if there are others in your area who would like dust control and we will give you an estimated date of treatment.
Enjoy a smoother ride on country roads with gravel stabilization. This process is key to helping prevent car accidents and lowering road maintenance costs.
A superior choice for superior roads. Drive confidently this winter and reduce your maintenance costs when the snow hits. Use our dependable blend of calcium chloride for a smoother ride!
Ensure better road stabilization today! Try our unbeatable blend of calcium chloride.
Eliminate dust on unpaved roads to increase safety! Cut down on future road damage with our premier dust control services.
Are you ready to request a quote?
A dust control treatment will help reduce frost damage and over all wear and tear on unpaved roads. Invest in our process today!
Use our treated vs. untreated calculator to find out how much you could be saving!
Contact us today for a quote!
What questions do you have for us about our calcium chloride processes?
Gravel stabilization rehabilitates and extends the life of unpaved roads!