Our team is a unique bunch of bright, focussed and talented individuals who enjoy working hard, love challenges and believe in bringing you the best experience possible. Look no further than Newhampshireconcretecutting.com - your one-stop destination for concrete services. We offer an exhaustive range of concrete services to make your life easier. We have a proven track record of successfully completing the smallest to the largest projects in concrete cutting and core drilling. With the use of innovative technologies, we ensure high levels of client satisfaction in every concrete cutting, drilling or coring contract that we take up.
Before you start operating with a concrete saw, its operation manual should be read and understood, because serious safety issues could take place if the concrete saw is used in an improper way. The operator then should inspect the saw machine to see if it is in working condition, and do some cleaning work. Next, the operator should check the diamond saw blade. There should be no distortion of the pin hole. Check the steel core of the blade for cracks that may have propagated from the gullets. Cracks indicate extreme fatigue failure and if sawing continues, catastrophic failure will occur.