Since our inception, La Strada'smain emphasis has beengrading, paving, concrete curb & gutter and decorative pavers. Serving the Southern California region since 1999, founder and CEO Rudy Ruiz has over 35 years of experience in the construction industry. At La Strada, we believe the customer comes first and that direct availability is necessary to maintain these customer relationships with home and land developers. We strive to maintain open dialogue with the developer on every project we take on - Rudy Ruiz personally works with the developer, our foremen, and our superintendents with scheduling and phasing ensuring projects are completed on schedule.
An industry leader in coordinating and installing storm drain systems, La Strada's Pipeline Division has the technical knowledge and expertise to ensure the drainage on your next project is constructed properly. Whether your next project has 4″ PVC or 120″ RCP, water retention systems, curb inlets, or box culverts, we are capable of installing a range of storm drain solutions. Our pipeline division takes pride in the systems we install - we actively follow SWPPP guidelines on all major projects and make every effort to reduce the amount of stormwater runoff that runs to our oceans untreated.
La Strada's Pipeline Divsion has experience in a broad range of sanitary sewer line installations. From simple and straight-forward sewer lines that include mainline and manholes, to complicated projects with challenging terrain issues, sewer bypasses, and multiple lift stations, La Strada has the expertise to handle the sanitary sewer of your next development.
La Strada has over 25 years of experience in concrete construction in Southern California. Our concrete division specializes in curb and gutter (machine & handset), city sidewalks, driveways, cross gutters and spandrels, as well as decorative stamped concrete and PCC pavement. Contact us with any questions or concerns and to obtain estimates for your project requirements. Our staff at La Strada looks forward to becoming your trusted concrete contractor in Southern California.