St. Louis Asphalt Sealing & Striping has provided professional asphalt installation and asphalt paving repair services for over 20 years. Since our inception, our philosophy has consistently been to provide the best customer experience in the asphalt industry. Whether it's a simple hot crack sealing job or a complete tear out and replacement of your existing asphalt paving, we want to exceed your expectations at every step of the process. We guarantee our professionals will complete your project utilizing the best products and tools in the industry.
St. Louis Asphalt Sealing & Striping is committed to asphalt repair whenever possible. Not only is the repair option cheaper, it's faster too! If your asphalt surface has a few potholes, waves, wrinkles and cracks, you may be resigned to completely tearing out your old asphalt paving and replacing it. First, the problem may not be as bad as you think. Potholes can be filled; waves and wrinkles can be ground down. Cracks can be filled. However, time is not on your side! The longer your driveway or parking lot degrades; the chances of an asphalt repair lessen.
St. Louis Asphalt Sealing & Striping is committed to asphalt paving! For over 20 years, we have been providing residents and businesses with the highest quality asphalt solutions. We are proud to work with many building owners, property managers, developers and contractors to provide a cost effective asphalt maintenance team. These industry insiders know a well maintained parking lot or driveway makes their properties feel safer and more inviting. St. Louis Asphalt Sealing & Striping routinely installs asphalt patches, overlays and sealcoats.
Potholes are more than just an eyesore. Those pesky holes are a real cause for concern to commercial and residential owners alike. One pothole can damage a car, injure a bicyclist or trip a pedestrian! These hazards are a booming industry for attorneys on both sides of the fence. Just one liability judgment can cause business hardship and/or family strife. When a pothole peeks up at you, know this is no laughing matter. Pothole repairs are essential! Ever have a pothole on your street? When City Maintenance came out, they probably threw some hot asphalt mix on top, stamped it down and moved on.
St. Louis Asphalt Sealing & Striping believes maintenance is the key to return on your asphalt investment. Asphalt sealcoating wraps your parking lot or driveway in a protective layer, effectively locking out damaging moisture and sunlight. Over time, your jet black asphalt paving will start to break down. The effects of weather, salts and chemicals slowly chisel their way into your beautiful pavement. After several years of being exposed to "the elements", your once prized surface is smooth and slick especially when wet.
Washington is situated next to the Missouri River and is called home by almost 14,000 people. As the largest city in Franklin County, Washington has over 600 stores, shops, schools and other organizations within its borders. The businesses and organizations of Washington have made a commitment to making Washington an outstanding place to live and work. Asphalt paving provides these organizations peace of mind knowing the surface will be fast to dry, easy to maintain and visually appealing. The underlying cause of asphalt failure is often water.
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